Sunday, June 18, 2017


I really did finish it on Scrappy Saturday.
So, I will make it Post It Sunday.

And here are all of the finished ones. There are also quite a few piles of cut out and partially put together blocks in all colors waiting to be added to this.

I seemed to be on a roll with aqua and yes, I do have several more purple ones cut out! 

And I finally finished cutting out my next Christmas block.
You can see why it took awhile.

My supervisor was being seriously critical today.
He is napping now, so I should probably try to get some more done!!
Hope you are all enjoying a fun weekend with family, friends and/or your sewing machine!!


Cathy said...

Those are amazing blocks! How have I missed these before?!? Love your supervisor - I have an orange male tabby too, but his socks aren't as long! Have a great week!


I miss having a supervisor!!! Mr Whitt is sooo cute and he looks like he is really enjoying his moments in 'helping' you!!!
nice yellow block there--
enjoy the moments, di

Nell's Quilts said...

What an interesting block. What is it? Love the dots.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Sorry to hear that your assistant was being SEW critical. I think your blocks look GREAT!!

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Wow they do look good! Why was Witt so critical? Silly boy, just needed a cuddle I bet :) xx