Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Home Again Home Again

My holiday seemed to woosh by. Of course when you are driving from Florida to Indiana to Virginia and then back to Florida in two weeks it does have a tendency to woosh.
I had fun stopping at all the quilt shops that I could find along the way. Maybe a little too much fun. I haven't even found homes for all the goodies Joy gave me and the last batch of must have sale items I purchased before I went on vacation. Now I have more.

It is time to break down and do some serious tidying. Joy and I have decided to go on a fabric diet. When was that official start date? Hmmmmm!!! I should not need anything for awhile. I think. This could be harder than giving up chocolate. I am really excited because Joy will be coming in 5 1/2 weeks and we will have two happy weeks of sewing. I have recorded uncountable episodes of Simply Quilts to watch and we probably have far too many projects planned, but we will have a really good time trying to accomplish all of them. Is sleep necessary??? As long as we have coffee, tea and chocolate to keep us going????? In the mean time I suppose I had better get busy and find room for all the fabric or we won't have any room to sew. I have lots of catching up to do on BOMs as well. At least I think my jetlag has subsided somewhat. So I will get started. Happy sewing everyone!!!


Joy McD said...

Yay! You're back! Can't wait till we visit you and have tea, coffee and chocolate :)

Amanda Jean said...

i can't imagine how much fun you will have on your two weeks of sewing! sounds absolutely wonderful!!!