Seem to be spinning around here since school is back in session, but I have managed to get my scrappy star blocks done.
Purple of course, and...
... green.
These are so much fun, I just hope I don't run out of colors.
Still working on "The" quilt.
Hopefully I will be able to hold it up in one piece for you soon.
Besides, English,Government,Physics and
We have been doing our
thing for the Humane Society. These cuties are at the PetsMart where we work on Tuesday afternoon.
A little Darrin burrito and not to be out cuted...
...Peppermint Patty. Hard to get her to sit still long enough to get a photo.
I would love to get a good pic of her Groucho Marx mustache over her eye, but hopefully she will have been adopted before I get another chance next Tuesday.
Well, back to English class--hope everyone is having a great Thursday!!!!